Pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000
Pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000

pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000

pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000

Pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000 pro#

In pro wrestling, titles are gifts rewards for doing the most important thing one can do in the industry: Captivate.

pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000

And while once upon a time, success in the wrestling industry might have been measured by the number of titles won, that metric doesn’t fully account for other aspects of the business that matter. We can judge wrestlers by pure athleticism, mat technique, psychology, mic skills, in-ring storytelling ability, trailblazing innovation, excellence of execution, adeptness at falling through tables, best at bleeding… the list goes on and on. Because even though we might all, guardedly, unite under the common banner of “wrestling fan,” we can bicker and quibble with the best of them. So compiling a list of the Top 50 Wrestlers of All Time is no easy endeavor. Many of us started watching it in different eras, with different heroes and icons. We all prefer certain styles, attitudes, looks and tones over others. Because not only does it exist within its own world – its own bubble – but we all love it for different reasons. It’s hard to try and explain pro-wrestling to the non-initiated. The Rock raising up the "People's Eyebrow." The Undertaker kicking out of the Pedigree. Randy Savage winning a 14-man tournament to become WWE Champion. Stone Cold nailing Vince McMahon with a Stunner. Hulk Hogan body-slamming Andre the Giant.

Pro wrestling simulator from mid 2000